The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at Carson-Newman will prepare you for a life that is more a calling than a career. Here, you will learn how to provide healthcare from a Christian perspective, which will develop your character and compassion. Thanks to small class sizes, you will have the undivided attention of our highly experienced nursing faculty who are fully invested in your success.
Our Bachelor of Science in Nursing program will give you a variety of nursing classes and clinical experiences. By the time you graduate, you will have more than 900 hours of clinical experience spread across a variety of healthcare facilities, including hospitals, nursing homes and community health clinics. Clinical experiences will include rotations in areas like emergency care, geriatric practice, obstetrics and pediatric nursing.
• Registered nurse in a hospital or clinic
• Staff nurses in all specialties
• Flight nurse
• Travel nurse
• Hospital educator
• Hospice nurse
• School nurse
• Research
• Public health
• Case management
C-N nursing students complete their clinicals at places like:
• University of Tennessee Medical Center Knoxville
• East Tennessee Children’s Hospital
• Morristown-Hamblen Hospital
• Jefferson Memorial Hospital
• East Tennessee Behavioral Health
• Jefferson Park at Dandridge
• Knoxville Area Rescue Ministry
• Penninsula Behavioral Center
Take the Next Step

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Carson-Newman University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education ( and is approved by the Tennessee Board of Nursing.
Courses in our BSN Program include:
NURS 303. Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing 1
Application of caring actions that focus upon the use of critical thinking and clinical decision making in professional nursing practice, in the facilitation of health in adult clients with alterations in health patterns.
NURS 307. Pediatric Nursing
Theory and application of concepts of nursing care are related to the needs of clients from infancy through adolescence and recognize the child as a integral member of the family unit. Caring actions focus upon the use of the nursing process to promote a caring environment for pediatric clients and families.
NURS 308. Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
Professional mental health nursing roles are implemented through caring constructs, communication skills, and therapeutic milieu.
NURS 315. Nursing Research and Evidenced-Based Practice
Fundamentals of research methods are studied and published research findings are critiqued for potential use in nursing practice. Students, working in groups, will participate in an evidence-based practice project for an identified health-related problem.
NURS 413. Maternal-Newborn Nursing
Integration of the metaparadigm of person, environment, health, nursing, and caring to childbearing women, their infants, and family. Promotionof positive client health through caring behaviors and roles is emphasized.
NURS 414. Critical-Care Nursing
Integration of caring actions that focus on the use of critical thinking and clinical decision making in professional nursing practice. Clinical focus is on the facilitation of health in the client with complex health pattern alterations.